Do any of you remember the Adidas commercials about two years ago? My bet is that you probably don’t remember. Over the past year and a half there has been Adidas frenzy in the media. The most familiar commercials right now are the ones with Katy Perry, B.O.B., and Dwight Howard in them. In my opinion, Adidas use of ethos is pretty extraordinary. There is even advertisement in TV shows. In the television show Glee, the antagonist of the popular glee gang is always decked out in Adidas sportswear in every episode. Another example of television publicity is on the live show 106 & Park on BET Network. The popular show gave out Adidas sportswear to a selected group of Audience members involved in sports. They did not only give out the sportswear, they described each aspect of the outfits given to the audience members. It’s crazy that something that was very popular in the past can be brought back instantly with the right celebrities. If celebrities are dying their hair red, there probably would be people running to getting their hair dyed red as well. It might not be to that extent, but my point is if a celebrity is doing, wearing, eating something people will emulate what they see. In this case people are going to buy this now very familiar sportswear because singers, basketball players, and actors are now sporting this now popular look. In my eyes, Adidas is trying to appeal to a younger generation. If you look at the commercials for Adidas you see younger people sporting the look. Even though you have celebrities like Rev Run who have been sporting this look for years. Adidas is bringing their sportswear back harder than ever. The most amazing part is that they were always a good buy, but becoming even more popular to buy.