Our society today is filled with violence and hate. Humans today witness violence in just about everything that they do. Violence is seen in our music, movies, television shows, books, video games, newspapers, magazines, and so much more. I believe that our nation has gone down the wrong path. I feel like the United States has abandoned its roots and left the foundation that our forefathers built for us.
The image above is from the high selling game Grand Theft Auto, also known as GTA in the gaming world. This image just goes to show for the violent games that young children are playing these days. To me there seems to be little benefit that a child could take from playing a game like this. Especially when one of their ads is of a thug looking man covered in tattoos holding a handgun. Although not that many bad things come from children playing video games, I still believe that it is unhealthy and a waste of time. Life doesn’t last as long as people realize, therefore I think playing video games is useless. They need to get out and see the world, spend time with nature and enjoy God’s creations. If people really think about it video games are violent. Any game that involves shooting other people, stealing cars, having sex, or promoting drugs is just wrong. I am not just relating this violence to Grand Theft Auto either. There are many violent video games children are playing. I believe that these violent games could definitely have psychological effects on children. Parents need to be stricter about what games that they buy for their children. They need to encourage their children to play outside, hang out with friends, or play sports. These are the things that will build children up and have a positive influence on their lives.
Violence isn’t something that should be over looked; it should be taken care of with good and put in its place. I believe until people start banning violent video games and other violent things our society will stay violent and we will continue to see our country crumble. I think that America as a whole needs to start living like the generations before us did and live productive lives, not lives in front of the television!
Violence is a serious matter in our society and it greatly effects the younger generation. Kids are getting trapped in these games because they believe all the violence is "fun". What are we really teaching the generation behind us...that being a violent person is ok? Or that you can only be a violent person when you play video games? If we are teaching them that violence is only ok in the gaming world, they will question why it is not ok in the real world. Our video games should decrease in violence and provide children with games that are fun without having to use weapons or fighting mechanisms.