Wednesday, February 16, 2011

“Love is all you need”

The real meaning of a holiday dedicated to love has become so different from what it originally was. Valentine’s Day has become so much about couples and all the mushy things that go with them that singles feel left out. But the real meaning of Valentine’s Day should be to be thankful for all the love that surrounds you, no matter who it comes from, be it your friends, family, or parakeet. From the earliest records about February 14, it was traditionally the holiday held in celebration to honor the martyrs Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni. No romantic links were held between the martyrs and romance until sometime in the 14th century, generally due to romantic legends. Supposedly, (a) St. Valentine was a Christian priest that was interrogated by Roman Emperor Claudius II who later put him in jail for secretly marrying single soldiers of Claudius’s army. The night before his execution, St. Valentine wrote a note to a young girl presumed to be his lover, reading “From your Valentine.” Through this legend, the holiday is no longer a day to honor the martyrs but to celebrate the love between two romantically involved people. But who’s to say that singles have to feel left out? I will admit that it is a special feeling to be surprised as I was for Valentine’s Day, but there is no need to feel as though you aren’t loved. Love is a universal feeling that will overcome almost any obstacle. The love between family members is incredibly strong. Just the other day, I was reminded of how lucky I am to have a family that will support one another through all that life will throw at us, whether it is a bad grade, a car accident, or cancer. Having all these thoughts put in perspective for me really made me think about how this holiday ought to be celebrated in the future. It really should be focused on the love that binds us all together and makes us stronger as a whole, no matter if it is from boyfriends/girlfriends or spouses or friends and family. So remember to quote the Beatles next year on February 14 and say “All you need is Love.”

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